Friday, May 19, 2006

Graduation Reflections (a.k.a what annoyed me)

Ms. Margarita has been doing more posting than me and she let me know my blogging presense was required asap.

Overall, graduation went quite well. There were some things to drive you crazy (or to drink, depending on your mood).
  • The Hooding Reception: food was great if you attempted to eat, however 5 tables for 172 jd/llm's and their families does not work out to a pleasant event, especially when you have elderly relatives with you.
  • Speaking of elderly relatives, my husband's grandmother flew down for the ceremony and stayed with us for several days. We were more than ready for her departure as her moods swung from grumpy to whiny. A trip to a local vineyard took care of that one day and we kept her happy with wine and ice cream when we could (this lead to a lot of drinking after noon).
  • It was cold and wet for the graduation ceremony, not as cold as it has been (34 one year-in May!). This could have lead to drinking before noon if anyone had thought at dawn to smuggle rum in their robes.
  • That's all I can think of right now. Can I go back to bed?
  • Don't worry, with the bar class starting next week, I'm sure we'll both have a lot to talk about...


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