Thursday, April 27, 2006

Not wedding related...

This has nothing to do with weddings. But everything do to with professors. First, why can't they just make a syllabus so when I am studying I know what we were supposed to cover?? and Second, why can't they put some past exams on reserve so that I can atleast get an idea of what I am in for on Saturday? And why why why does this stupid school think it is a good idea to have exams on a Saturday afternoon?????

How this all got started:

Honestly, with an engagement that has evolved into what could be the dumbest wedding ever. Yesterday at lunch, the two of us were discussing how much it all sucked and slightly wondering if it were just us. We wanted a blog that our friends didn't know about to vent about the craziness and stress they subject us to. Here we are, to discuss all the things that drive us to start "drinking before noon".

As a preview into what we suffer with:
~Conversation about the dumbest wedding ever with the bride:
Bride: "We're going to do a donation to somewhere instead of doing favors for our guests. You know, something that will say, in lieu of favors, we have given $50 to some charity."
Friend: "Are you actually going to make the donation?"
Bride: "Probably."

You be the judge, is it just us?

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


We just needed a place to vent and bitch about all the craziness in our lives, you know all the stuff that drives us to "Drinking Before Noon".

Welcome to our lives, don't tell our friends.