Random only somewhat law related post
The other day I had to go pick up a file for my boss. Not the most thrilling task but it was friday afternoon so I opted for anything that got me out from behind my desk. As I was driving, I was listening to the radio. Which in and of itself is pretty impressive since it seems like people rarely do that now with satellite and ipod transmitters (which I am totally addicted to). So here is what I concluded from my little journey: I really really fucking hate when they play songs in the middle of the day that have to be extremely edited to be appropriate for radio. For example: Puddle of Mudd, She fucking hates me. Ok it is in the song title. The gratuitous cussing in that song is what makes it great. Next: Buck Cherry Crazy Bitch. THe title should give you a hint there as to the content of the song. One more Nelly Must be the money. Seriously? You have to edit out all the lines about drugs? I understand the concern that children will here this stuff but really kids should be in school at this time so my radio should be uncensored. And they wonder why adults don't listen to the radio anymore. So much for the first amendment (there that was the law related part of the post).