Friday, January 11, 2008

I hate email forwards!

I got the "Who is Barak Hussein Obama" forward again today. I think I let whoever sent me this the first time around slide, but this one annoyed me more since it included an extra paragraph stating you can go to to verify the email is true. However, go to snopes and find out for yourself that the email is indeed false. This prompted the following email from me to the unlucky person who happened to keep me on his forwards email list and everyone on that list:

I normally would not respond to one of these annoying forwards, much less hit reply all to spam the email boxes of people that I don't know, but before you send this email to someone else take the time to actually go to so you can read for yourself that this email is false (unlike the email below that claims it is factual).

Seriously, take the time to educate yourself about candidates and the issues rather than buy into the mindless forwards sent around.

Unlike the people who send the annoying forwards I signed my name to the email. I sent it about an hour ago and already have my first response of "Get a Life!!!"

I've made my point and have decided that I won't be responding to that email or any other thoughtless emails, even if my first thought is "get a brain, make informed decisions." The funny part is I didn't even say vote for Obama or anyone else for that matter. Ignorant people take themselves way too seriously.