Sunday, May 28, 2006


I am so not a morning person yet this morning I was up bright and early. So what is the worse way to start the day? I walk into my bathroom to brush my teeth and find something that stops me in my tracks. Not the mess that is my bathroom but a large 8 legged disgusting spider (which, by the way I am scared of and loath). So being the brave girl that I am, I smush it then proceed to do my little ew dance, which basically consists of me jumping up and down going "EWWWW!!!". Seriously, after this I require a drink. Is 730 am too early to start drinking?

I find the spider rules to be very simple. If they come into my apartment, they are trespassing and I may kill them. I know that the BarBri guy told me on Friday that I may not defend my property by deadly force unless deadly force is used on me. Based on this my spider killing is perfectly allowable, since after all the spider is likely poisonous on some level and it could kill me (theoretically anyway).

In return, I won't kill the spiders who stay outside unless they try to bite me then it is purely self-defense. Again, they could kill me with their poison. This is the kind of things I think of when I wake up before noon find a spider in my place and am not drinking.


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