Monday, June 26, 2006

We have awesome nicknames for people!

The Midget and The Cabbage Patch Kid (No, I love you more!)
Fat Chick and Nekkid Boy

We need to keep this up and we need a new name for the most annoying couple to be married.

We so missed out in not nominating her for Bridezilla. She would have been perfect:
  1. The whole charity in exchange for favors: "we'll probably make the donation"
  2. The date requirement: you can only bring someone she knows
  3. The dress on-again-off-again, wait which dress is it, no, not that one, but that one
  4. The crazy $$$ registries
  5. Only having out of town showers and expecting people to do lots of traveling to them while studying for the bar

I mean, she still has over a month and a half to pull more stuff!!!


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