Monday, June 19, 2006

What's up with sucky sports fans?

I am all about cheering for your team. Whoever it may be. But there are lines of decency that should not be crossed. There is always fans that just go to far. It happens in every sport--soccer, baseball, hockey, football, and on and on. In Argentina they killed a guy who scored an own goal in a soccer game. Now, in the big news of the NFL drama (besides all the little draft guys getting arrested) there is the Steeler's Big Ben motorcycle accident. Inconsiderate (asshole, opps did I actually write that?) fans are actually calling the poor 60 year old woman who hit it. It was an accident. They happen all the time, I seriously doubt she was gunning to run over the QB of the city's Superbowl winning football team. This is absurd. It is mean and, above all, it is unsportsmanlike. It is sad that it happened and I am sure this poor woman regrets ever getting in her car that day. But let's be realistic. Ben choose to ride the motorcycle without a helmet. He choose to take the chance of an accident. Hello? He would be alot less injured if he had a helmet on. While I do not advocate blaming the victim of accidents, when there is something the victim did that was within his control that would have decreased his likelihood of injury, then some of the blame should lay with him. I doubt Steelers fans are calling him and threatening him because he increased his injury by being negligent (some might say stupid) when it came to his own self-protection. Accidents happen there is no reason to inflict additional pain on an innocent woman. She might have caused the accident but that it was an accident. They happen. He will recover. He will play. They will win. Maybe even the Superbowl. Who knows? But adding bad press for the fans is just dumb. Sports are not worth adding agony to someone's life over.

By the way, I am a huge Steelers fan. I think what happened was sad. I think what the fans are doing to this poor woman is pathetic. And makes me want to drink to escape the fact that adults actually act this way.


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