Thursday, June 15, 2006

BarBri is trying to kill me!

Death by Boredom. I thought contracts was bad, but con law should be declared unconstitutional as cruel and unusual punishment. I had read on other blogs it was kind of bad, but I was unprepared for just how bad.

This was never one of my favorite subjects anyway, but the prof "teaching" just recited from the outline. There was debate as to whether he had the whole 49 pages memorized or was reading from cue cards. This was the most excitement of the day.

There were no blanks to fill in, no real motivation to pay attention other than the prospect of reading it yourself later. There were two upsides to viewing this on tape rather than live
  1. We didn't have to do all 7 hours in one day like the poor live class did.
  2. We could groan out loud at the really, really bad jokes this guy made (heavy on the puns, heavy on the pain)

The bad news: 3.5 more hours of this tomorrow. Or rather 3 hours for me. I am totally cutting out of the last 1/2 hour to go to yoga. At the rate he goes the most I'll miss is him reading the 3 last pages. Dry contracts lady, how I miss you...


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