Friday, June 23, 2006


As a rule, I am not really the schedule kinda girl. I am more of a fly by the seat of my pants, go where the wind blows me kinda girl. Even if that means I miss the first 2 pages of notes when I decide to arrive at the BarBri lecture (I mean, that is what friends are for right?). But when I rely on a schedule and show up for something it should damn well happen. I mean, really, what is the point of a schedule if you aren't going to follow it? I mean I showed up for a propertly lecture and I found out that no they would be showing the Chem-I am boring as brink-sky Con Law 1 lecture. So why does this annoy me? (1) I actually drove over there, (2) schedule, I don't follow them but I don't make them for other people to rely on when quitting drinking in time to sober up to drive over to campus for a lecture that wasn't even going to happen, and (3) most importantly, it seriously fucked up my plan to sleep in today until it was time for yoga. Stupid BarBri.


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