Friday, June 30, 2006

Am I in the right place?

Ok, so it's Friday and it's Commerical Paper, but where the hell is everyone this morning?
Should I have added that much needed rum to my smoothie to survive the morning? Good question. I'll let you know in about 3 hours.

It seems whatever these commerical papers are, they are rarely tested and if they are it's like a tiny little issue in a big essay.

Only 3 more barbri days left.
Too bad they're all 9-5, man, it's like having a job or something...

Monday, June 26, 2006

We have awesome nicknames for people!

The Midget and The Cabbage Patch Kid (No, I love you more!)
Fat Chick and Nekkid Boy

We need to keep this up and we need a new name for the most annoying couple to be married.

We so missed out in not nominating her for Bridezilla. She would have been perfect:
  1. The whole charity in exchange for favors: "we'll probably make the donation"
  2. The date requirement: you can only bring someone she knows
  3. The dress on-again-off-again, wait which dress is it, no, not that one, but that one
  4. The crazy $$$ registries
  5. Only having out of town showers and expecting people to do lots of traveling to them while studying for the bar

I mean, she still has over a month and a half to pull more stuff!!!

The Midget and The Cabbage Patch Kid

I totally agree with Ms. M, couples shower with little advance notice is not a good thing, and you know how much I love a good thing. As a rule, couples showers are not a lot of fun. Most guys don't enjoy the whole shower thing. They don't like to open gifts in front of people and just aren't as good as us gals at faking things.

I can't wait to hear how our single guy friends invited to this thing do, if they show up at all. If I were a single man, there's no way in hell I would be caught there.

Luck being on my side, I have an great excuse for my absence-another wedding in which I am a bridesmaid. Good planning all around, I say!

Plus, who wants to hang around the sucky people throwing the shower-no one with any sense!!

Why Why Why??????

Ok, in light of the fact that bar classes were ending in a few weeks I planned a little celebration with a friend from high school. You know to get away from it all, drink some beer, listen to some amusing bands. So what happens??? My friends' friends decide they should throw the friends a "couple wedding shower" that day. I love things like this just another thing to make me feel bad about not being part of a couple. But since I am missing the shower and Bacholette party due to a family gathering, I feel like I must attend or be kicked out of the wedding party. Wait. Maybe that wouldn't be so bad....So here are my thoughts on what to do:
  • Bring friend from high school as my date (female--oh, the resulting rumors that would fly)
  • Bail early to hit up the concert I want to see because well I did already have plans (shocking for me in and of itself)
  • Bring a date that neither the soon to be bride or groom like (he conveniently lives nearby though it would take some effort to convince him to show up)
  • Blow it off and say I have plans with a friend (they likely will not believe this because I don't make plans but this time I did...really)
Why why why did they plan this for that weekend? I mean clearly they have to know that it is the end of classes and they probably are thinking that they are helping us to celebrate. But really I don't want to be around other stressed out people who are feeling they might fail. I wanted to be away from that with people that have nothing to do with law. Fuck it. I am off to have some wine with my dinner.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Wait, there's more...

Case name: Klump v. Duffus
The best part: Duffus was an attorney sued for malpractice
Oh, it gets better: a North Carolina attorney

Can any Duffus pass the bar? I hope so...

71 F.3d 1368

From my "lawyer jokes" calendar

If only I can find a way to work this into a bar essay Q...

subpoena: (n.) from the root "sub" meaning below and the Latin "poena," meaning male organ or penis; therefore "below the penis" or "by the balls."

I'm thinking maybe a civ pro question, in which I may reply:
"Subpoena was properly served upon the defendant, meaning, Plaintiff's attorney had him by the balls."
That should get me a big ten out of ten points!

Thank God there was only one Saturday class and it is done!

BarBri class: 8:30 am-3:30pm, Saturday
Lunch break: 40 minutes
Why? The prof wanted exactly 2 hours to get to an airport about 40 minutes away.
Subject Matter: Sales, Agency, and Partnership
Lesson Learned: the bar exam tests on
  1. things that do not occur in the "real world"
  2. things that only stupid people do

Seriously, without stupid people there would be no bar essay questions, which mostly involve people writing bad contracts and doing dumbass stuff, is this a tricky way to prepare us for dealing with bad clients?

Friday, June 23, 2006


As a rule, I am not really the schedule kinda girl. I am more of a fly by the seat of my pants, go where the wind blows me kinda girl. Even if that means I miss the first 2 pages of notes when I decide to arrive at the BarBri lecture (I mean, that is what friends are for right?). But when I rely on a schedule and show up for something it should damn well happen. I mean, really, what is the point of a schedule if you aren't going to follow it? I mean I showed up for a propertly lecture and I found out that no they would be showing the Chem-I am boring as brink-sky Con Law 1 lecture. So why does this annoy me? (1) I actually drove over there, (2) schedule, I don't follow them but I don't make them for other people to rely on when quitting drinking in time to sober up to drive over to campus for a lecture that wasn't even going to happen, and (3) most importantly, it seriously fucked up my plan to sleep in today until it was time for yoga. Stupid BarBri.

Some More Sports Talk

As a rule, drinking at a sporting event is completely acceptable and, let's face it, pretty much expected. That means that regardless of what time the game comes on it is socially acceptable to drink at it. Further, this extends to any pre-game activities done in preparation for the game. Hence, Kegs and Eggs and other time honored traditions.

So even though the U.S. is a bit slow in realizing how great soccer is, it was perfectly acceptable to walk into a bar at 9:55 am to drink beer and watch the game. Of course, the loss was disappointing. But it was the perfect excuse to crack open a beer before the time that I would normally wake up when I don't have class.

Even we can't bitch about everything...

After three whole days of property and expecting another one, we got professional responsibility today and for a bar class, it totally ruled!
How can a bar class rule, you ask...
  1. It was done in two hours with a ten minute break!
  2. The lecturer was funny!
  3. He told us to put this outline away until the week before the exam.
  4. The outline was ONLY 23 PAGES!!!

Yes, bar classes set the bar so low, it doesn't take much to make me happy.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Stinky Things

There should be a general rule that while eating things in class is allowed eating stinky things should not be. And this especially applies when you start eating something stinky, people point it out, you close up the stinkiness, then later reopen it. Making the room stink even more. Ewwwww! Have some common curtesy people.

Monday, June 19, 2006

What's up with sucky sports fans?

I am all about cheering for your team. Whoever it may be. But there are lines of decency that should not be crossed. There is always fans that just go to far. It happens in every sport--soccer, baseball, hockey, football, and on and on. In Argentina they killed a guy who scored an own goal in a soccer game. Now, in the big news of the NFL drama (besides all the little draft guys getting arrested) there is the Steeler's Big Ben motorcycle accident. Inconsiderate (asshole, opps did I actually write that?) fans are actually calling the poor 60 year old woman who hit it. It was an accident. They happen all the time, I seriously doubt she was gunning to run over the QB of the city's Superbowl winning football team. This is absurd. It is mean and, above all, it is unsportsmanlike. It is sad that it happened and I am sure this poor woman regrets ever getting in her car that day. But let's be realistic. Ben choose to ride the motorcycle without a helmet. He choose to take the chance of an accident. Hello? He would be alot less injured if he had a helmet on. While I do not advocate blaming the victim of accidents, when there is something the victim did that was within his control that would have decreased his likelihood of injury, then some of the blame should lay with him. I doubt Steelers fans are calling him and threatening him because he increased his injury by being negligent (some might say stupid) when it came to his own self-protection. Accidents happen there is no reason to inflict additional pain on an innocent woman. She might have caused the accident but that it was an accident. They happen. He will recover. He will play. They will win. Maybe even the Superbowl. Who knows? But adding bad press for the fans is just dumb. Sports are not worth adding agony to someone's life over.

By the way, I am a huge Steelers fan. I think what happened was sad. I think what the fans are doing to this poor woman is pathetic. And makes me want to drink to escape the fact that adults actually act this way.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Something I don't understand

I have always loathed when profs stood up there and read to me. Reading to me insults my intelligence. Now, don't get me wrong, reading an important except or statutory language is fine. It tells me what I need to know. But 3.5 hours of reading me what is right in front of me is painful. PAINFUL. Thanks for wasting my time asshole, I could have read it myself in a hell of alot less time and got just as much out of it. Why am I paying tuition for you to be paid to read to me?? So for all you who are out there taking BarBri somewhere else...the con law guy is coming...and it is going to hurt.

BarBri is trying to kill me!

Death by Boredom. I thought contracts was bad, but con law should be declared unconstitutional as cruel and unusual punishment. I had read on other blogs it was kind of bad, but I was unprepared for just how bad.

This was never one of my favorite subjects anyway, but the prof "teaching" just recited from the outline. There was debate as to whether he had the whole 49 pages memorized or was reading from cue cards. This was the most excitement of the day.

There were no blanks to fill in, no real motivation to pay attention other than the prospect of reading it yourself later. There were two upsides to viewing this on tape rather than live
  1. We didn't have to do all 7 hours in one day like the poor live class did.
  2. We could groan out loud at the really, really bad jokes this guy made (heavy on the puns, heavy on the pain)

The bad news: 3.5 more hours of this tomorrow. Or rather 3 hours for me. I am totally cutting out of the last 1/2 hour to go to yoga. At the rate he goes the most I'll miss is him reading the 3 last pages. Dry contracts lady, how I miss you...

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I have returned

So it has been about forever and a day since I have been on here. This is pretty easy to explain really. It started out simple enough. Run program to remove university network stuff from computer (the fact that I haven't actually been about to use the university network for about 2 yrs because of their jacked up wireless is completely besides the point). Program downloaded & ran. Password changed. I smile. Easy. Yay! HA. Suddenly, no shortcuts in my quick launch work. Then I type and nothing shows up. Then later all of it shows up. WTF? Take computer to computer people on campus. Guess what? Your hard drive is failing...oh there it goes. Dead. So new harddrive installed. Complete with, you guessed it, university network shit. Why Why Why?? I said if you put in a new harddrive just load windows. But do they listen? NO. Of course not. So what do I do? I decide formatting the computer and reinstalling windows sounds like fun. Because clearly, I am insane. So for the past two weeks, I have been reinstalling shit that I used to have. And due to superior timing, I also have to have the software for the bar installed this week. Computers. Bleh. If I wasn't so addicted to the internet I would have thrown the damn thing off the roof.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

I knew I hated Contracts...

The last two days were killer-contracts bar classes for the full 3.5 hours is enough to do anyone in. This professor, while I'm sure is perfectly nice, was also perfectly boring. She spoke in total monotone never even giving inflection to words like hell and pissed which deserve at least slight inflection.
It's a good thing I wasn't drinking before noon this week or I would have been passed out under a table thanks to the drone...